Privacy Policy

What Personal Information do we collect from you?
If you are a seller or the buyer who is using or considering using IXSPY's Service and need to contact us, if you sign up for information about the Service, or if you respond to an IXSPY survey, we may ask you for your name, email address, mailing address, phone number, and credit card information (though we ourselves may not store all of this information). We also may obtain this information directly from Shopify Inc. Finally, if you contact our support service or if we otherwise need to verify your account, we may ask for additional documentation to help us verify your identity and make sure that we maintain the security of your account. All of the information described in this paragraph is referred to as "Account Information."

Additionally, if you are using the Service, or if you otherwise visit the IXSPY website, we automatically collect information about your device, including your IP address and potentially other unique device identifiers (for example, if you are using a phone with iOS or Android installed), Internet browser type and language, information about any website that referred you, the date/time of your visit, and any search keywords. We refer to this information collectively as "Device Information. " 

We collect Device Information using the following technologies:

  1. "Cookies" are small text files that are placed on your device, and often contain an unique identifier that allows us to recognize your device over time (for example so we can maintain a shopping cart of items that you would like to order, or in order to provide you with content or services we believe will be more relevant to you).
  2. "Web beacons" are electronic files that are used to track how you navigate a website: for example, whether you complete a transaction, or whether you submit a form or application.
  3. "Locally Stored Objects" are files stored through your web browser, when you install and use the Extension.